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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Number of ATP hydrolysed to transmit a bit at a chemical synapse Blowfly Calliphora vicina 10000 Unitless 103553 Laughlin SB, de Ruyter...
Number of ATP hydrolysed to transmit a graded signals in an interneuron Blowfly Calliphora vicina 1000000-10000000 Unitless 103554 Laughlin SB, de Ruyter...
Number of photoreceptors per retina Blowfly Calliphora vicina 35000 Unitless 103546 Laughlin SB, de Ruyter...
Number of photoreceptors carrying the same signal that converge on a second order retinal neuron Blowfly Calliphora vicina 6 Unitless 103547 Laughlin SB, de Ruyter...
Fraction of resting ATP consumption used by the retina alone Blowfly Calliphora vicina 10 % 111647 Harris JJ, Jolivet R...
Dimensions of chemoreceptor neuron Blowfly Calliphora vicina diameter 7-9µm: length 22µm: diameter of nucleus 4-6µm um 112115 Dethier VG. The physiology...
Fraction of effective rainfall water used for transpiration Tree Pinus halepensis 93 % 104572 Schiller et al Water...
Percent of of total brain ATP consumption that is accounted for by Glutamate-generated electrical activity Rodent ~80 % 110637 Bernstein BW, Bamburg...
Number of subtypes of retinal neurons Vertebrates ~60 subtypes 117170 Bloomfield SA, Völgyi...
Number of transducin molecules that one single molecule of the light-activated receptor rhodopsin can turn over in intact rod cells Toad Bufo marinus >3,000 transducins/rhodopsin 110989 Kahlert, M., and K. P....
Average dimensions of neuronal soma of trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus in adult Syrian Hamster Mesocricetus auratus diameter 34.1µm: surface area 3,651µm^2: cytoplasmic volume 20,569µm^3 N/A 112113 Alley KE. Morphogenesis...
Diffusion coefficient of dextran (40kDa) in Drosophila cytoplasm Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster 17.6 (±1.8) µm^2/s 100198 Gregor T, Bialek W, de...
Effective diffusion constants in cytoplasm of 40-kDa dextran molecules in dipteran species Various Table - link N/A 103993 Gregor T, Bialek W, de...
Size of setae in different animals Eukaryotes 0.2 - 5.0 µm 110227 Arzt E1, Gorb S, Spolenak...
Absolute minimum ATP cost of an Action Potential Unspecified 1e+6 molecules of ATP per square cm of membrane 104236 Aiello GL, Bach-y-Rita...
Dimensions of mitochondria Various Table - link N/A 101942 Amazing numbers in biology...
Number of synchronous divisions in early development Eukaryotes Table - link Divisions 107647 Masui Y, Wang P. Cell...
Minimum interommatidial angles for insect species Insect Table - link ˚ (degrees) 117188 Land MF. Visual acuity...